Stylish, spacious and stylish fabric bags

Tygpåse tygkasse ekologisk dubbla hantag

Our absolute best-selling product - the fabric bag with double handles.

When I started OMOM in 2015, it was with my idea for fruit bags. Pretty soon I also wanted to make a more "real" cloth bag, I was so tired of cloth bags without a bottom where I could pack in two milk packets and then it was about full. And since I'm quite short, I also wanted short handles except for the shoulder handles.

After a few years, the fruit bag actually became something for everyone and the range of reusable bags increased drastically. I think it's amazing that the average person in Sweden now owns a reusable bag for fruit or at least has seen them. At OMOM, you can get sustainably produced and ecological reusable bags, not at the cheapest price, but on the other hand, you can buy them with a clear conscience, knowing that the artisans who have sewn your cloth bags have a living wage and a workplace that is safe for them . And - they are not made from newly produced polyester or nylon.

With the plastic tax coming into effect here in Sweden, interest in my cloth bags increased considerably and is now OMOM's best-selling product.

I have understood that when you design products, you do the right thing in designing based on your own needs, often there are more people who have missed the same product. It's amazing to get such positive reactions and reviews on the tote bags every day and it spurs me on to design more reusable products that fill a real need. Never again a tight cloth bag without a bottom!

Linda Lindh, founder


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